dinsdag 21 december 2010

Manchester United and the A's (AIG and AON)

Manchester United is a big football club from England. They have been champions of England for 18 times. This makes them record holder, together with Arsenal which also won the Premier League 18 times already. They also won the Champions League three times already. Another nice fact about Manchester United, is that they have the biggest number of supporters al over the world, 449 million supporters. If you hear what big prices Manchester United already won, it probably doesn't surprise you that they have big sponsor deal. The Manchester United Head sponsor of last season was AIG. AIG is an American Insurance company. AIG sponsored Manchester United for 4 years. In this four years AIG has been the shirt sponsor of Manchester United. Manchester United received the incredible amount of 56.5 million pounds for this deal. This comes to about 14 million pounds a year, just to be on the shirt of Manchester United. When AIG made this deal with Manchester United, it was the biggest sponsor deal in England. But now, for the coming four years, Manchester United has signed a deal with the American insurance company  AON corporation. This deal is worth an amazing 80 million pounds. So you see how much money companies pay just to be on the shirt of a famous football club. And what you can tell from the sponsor history of Manchester United, it only becomes more and more. The next question rises then, where does it stop? Or maybe the question should be, does it stop?

maandag 13 december 2010


Hello everybody. My name is Thom Voskamp. I'm sixteen years old and currently studying marketing at The Hague University. Previously I obtained my HAVO diploma. After obtaining my diploma I doubted about my next study for a long time. I communicated with friends, and asked them if they knew a study which was right for me. After considering a few studies, I decided to follow the study Marketing at The Hague University .One of my courses is Business Communication. You can see it as business related English. Subject in the first semester is to improve our business vocabulary and fluency. To improve our business vocabulary we have to write a blog twice a week for the coming 6 weeks. This comes to a total of 12 blogs. The blogs have to have a marketing related subject. My blog will be about the big sponsors in football. I find this subject interesting because I like football a lot. My favourite club is Feyenoord. You probably know Feyenoords finances aren’t very good right now. But the club is now being supported by a group of men which call themselves: ‘Vrienden van Feyenoord’. They already obtained 17 million euros for Feyenoord. This made me wonder which companies support which clubs, and why they do that. So each blog I'll post from now on, will describe one big sponsor in football. When I say a big sponsor, I really mean big sponsors, companies like AIG for example, which sponsors Manchester United.

Kind regards,

Thom Voskamp